Nightmare Man
Encouraged by his psychiatrist, Alex confronts a man he believes to be a physical manifestation of his childhood nightmares at a small, local coffee shop.
Words by Matthew Wilding / Art by Matt Rowe
Objects of Antiquity
A collector of rare objects meets with a black market dealer under pretenses of a rare object of antiquity.
Words by Matthew Wilding / Pictures by Justin M. Ryan
Dog Boys
A 4 page short originally written for a Platform Comics 10k content. Created entirely in 10,000 minutes with the prompt “buddy cops in New Orleans” and a requirement that we use the sentence “why is that dog acting funny?”
Words by Matthew Wilding / Pictures by Raymond Lolacher
The Light
A superhero justifies his addiction as a byproduct of the greater good.
Words by Matthew Wilding / Pictures by Antônio Uchôa
Little Things
A modern Lovecraftian folktale in American suburbia. Out now.
Words by Matthew Wilding / Pictures by Matt Rowe
Nothing Left to Give
Words by Matthew Wilding / Pictures by MSKMakes
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